Neelotpal Dutta

I'm a PhD student in the Digital Manufacturing Group at the University of Manchester. My research, supervised by Prof. Charlie Wang and Dr. Bruno Adorno, focuses on geometric computing for manufacturing process planning in both subtractive and additive manufacturing. Besides research, I also work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University and I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy(AFHEA).

I hold a Bachelor of Technology (Honours) degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, where I received the President of India Gold Medal for the year 2020. My activities during my stay at IIT Mandi can be found at my old page.

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I'm interested in geometric computing, digital manufacturing, computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). My current research involves combining ideas from geometry, computer-science and mechanical-engineering to imporve the performance of computer-aided manufacturing process planning . Check my research profile at UoM.